How to document a motor vehicle collision

On Behalf of | Aug 26, 2019 | Personal Injury |

Connecticut has some of the safest roads in the United States. In fact, according to a recent study, the Constitution State ranks 44th among all states in the number of fatal automobile accidents each year. Still, as you know, you do not have to die in a collision for it to be both serious and life-changing.

 Automobile collisions occur every day on Connecticut’s many roadways, and you could experience one at any time. At that time, if you want to receive fair compensation from whoever caused the accident, follow these tips to appropriately document the collision.

 1. Call the police

 Police officers know how to investigate automobile accidents and assign fault. Accordingly, even if your crash seems minor, you should always call law enforcement. When an officer arrives, calmly explain how the collision unfolded.

 2. Seek medical treatment

 Automobile accidents can be unbelievably stressful. To help you cope, your body may release adrenaline, epinephrine and cortisol. Unfortunately, these hormones may numb you to pain and cause you to think you have not sustained an injury during the collision. Because symptoms can take hours or even days to reveal themselves, you should always seek medical treatment following a car crash to have a clear record of your condition.

3. Talk to witnesses

 Unless you regularly drive on deserted roads, someone may see your collision. Still, witnesses often disappear soon after automobile crashes. To ensure you have access to relevant information, ask the witnesses to describe what they saw. Be sure to take the name and contact details of anyone who saw the accident occur.

4. Write a report

A police officer’s official account of your automobile collision may be incomplete. Therefore, try to write down as much as you personally remember about the accident. Include important details, such as the time, weather conditions, traffic patterns and road signs. Take photographs of the collision scene, provided you can do so without endangering yourself or others.

Following a car crash, you may be suffering both injuries and property damage. While you can likely pursue compensation from the responsible driver, to do so successfully you want to have a complete record of the accident and your damages. By understanding how to document a car crash, you can better advocate for your fair share.